Preferred practice areas
Notary services, Construction and Real Estate Law, Marriage and Inheritance Law, Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law, Contract law and Contract Negotiations, Foundations, Associations and Ombudsman Offices
- University degree
- Bar admission in Berne in 1982
- Notary admission in Berne in 1984
Work Experience
I work as a commercial lawyer and notary, and I founded the firm Häusermann + Partners in 1982. My main focus is economic law. For several years I have been giving lectures at seminars on inheritance and stock corporation law as well as liability actions and real estate transactions.
I act as executer in connection with heritage and as a consultant for many real estate projects. I founded the company Transliq AG (a specialized trust company in the field of bankruptcy) and I have expanded it to 30 employees (2005). During this time I directed various major bankruptcy proceedings such as Swisscargo, Samen Mauser, etc. I sold all the company stocks to the employees as part of a management buyout in 2005.
I work as a commercial lawyer and notary, and I founded the firm Häusermann + Partners in 1982. My main focus is economic law. For several years I have been giving lectures at seminars on inheritance and stock corporation law as well as liability actions and real estate transactions.
I act as executer in connection with heritage and as a consultant for many real estate projects. I founded the company Transliq AG (a specialized trust company in the field of bankruptcy) and I have expanded it to 30 employees (2005). During this time I directed various major bankruptcy proceedings such as Swisscargo, Samen Mauser, etc. I sold all the company stocks to the employees as part of a management buyout in 2005.
Special Functions
Present mandates as president or vice president of the administrative board:
- Häusermann + Partner AG, Berne
- Häusermann + Partner Advokatur AG, Berne
- Benchmarc AG, Berne
- HS Gstaad Invest AG, Saanen
- Buchmatt Immobilien AG, Burgdorf
- PRiOT AG, Burgdorf
- ABZ Immobilien AG
- SAZA Vision AG
- Schlosshoger AG
Former mandates/functions on the administrative boards:
- 1980 – 1985 Consultant Building Law, FH Burgdorf
- 1986 – 2023 President Administrative Board Häusermann Verwaltungs AG, Berne
- 1994 – 2008 VP Administrative Board Hatag AG (today Hasco AG), Ostermundigen
- 1996 – 2005 President Administrative Board Transliq AG, Berne
- 1997 – 2000 Member Administrative Board Spar- and Leihkasse, Berne
- 2000 – 2010 Managing Director IXYS GmbH, Brügg
- 2000 – 2011 President Administrative Board Valiant Privatbank AG, Berne
- 2000 – 2005 Member Administrative Board Valiant Holding, Lucerne
- 2001 – 2020 President Administrative Board emmental trinkwasser, Burgdorf
- 2005 – 2012 VP Administrative Board Valiant Holding, Lucerne
- 2005 – 2008 Member Administrative Board, Bâloise Anlagestiftung für Personalvorsorge, Basel
- 2010 – 2021 President ABF Holding AG, Berne
- 2014 – 2020 Consultant at Swiss Finance Institute, Zurich
- 2019 – 2021 President Amtsbürgschaftsgenossenschaft für den Kanton Bern, Berne
Member of the following foundation boards:
- Styner-Stiftung, Berne
- Eduard Tschumi Musikpreis-Stiftung, Berne
- Roches-Utiger-Stftung, Berne
- Zigerli-Hegi-Stiftung, Berne
Other positions:
- Investigating agent of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA)
- President of the Committee of Creditors of Swiss Dairy Food AG (in estate liquidation) (completed)
- Basler Kommentar SchKG: Co-Autor Art. 143, 143a und 143b SchKG (3. Auflage 2021)
- Due Diligence – Frühzeitige Identifikation von „deal breakers“ (Handelszeitung vom 04.11.2008)
- Besonderheiten bei Paketverkäufen von Liegenschaften (Handelszeitung 02/08)
- Immobilien – Überführung von direkten in indirekten Anlagen (19. VVP-Seminar 2008)
- Corporate Governance und Sanierungsrecht (IWIR 2003, S. 9)
- Geld-, Bank- und Finanzmarkt-Lexikon der Schweiz 2002: Definition der Begriffe „Beglaubigung, Bevollmächtigter, Eigentumsgarantie, Eigentumsvorbehaltsregister, Gemeinschuldner, Gläubigerbegünstigung, Grundbuch, Grunddienstbarkeit, Grundlast, Grundpfandrecht, Grundpfandtitel, Grundpfandverschreibung und Masseschulden“
- Basler SchKG-Kommentar: Co-Autor Art. 133 – 143b SchKG (1. Auflage 1998), Autor Art. 143, 143a und 143b SchKG (2. Auflage 2010)
- Scharfe Kausalhaftung (IWIR 1998, S. 135)
- Freihandverkauf im Umbruch (IWIR 1998, S. 3)
- Freihandverkauf von Immobilien im revidierten SchKG (Schweizer Treuhänder, 6/1995, S. 513)
- Die Zinserträge bei konkursrechtlichen Liegenschaftsverwertungen (Schweizer Treuhänder 7/8 1994, S. 601)
- Gesamteigentum in der Zwangsverwertung (Schweizer Treuhänder 7/8 1994, S. 591)